Tuesday, December 26, 2023

AI expert warns against telling your secrets to chatbots such as ChatGPT

Mike Wooldridge, a professor of AI at Oxford University, says sharing private information or having heart-to-hearts with a chatbot would be “extremely unwise” as anything revealed helps train future versions.
 Users should also not expect a balanced response to their comments as the technology “tells you what you want to hear”, he adds. 
Wooldridge is exploring the subject of AI in this year’s Royal Institution Christmas lectures. 
He will look at the “big questions facing AI research and unravel the myths about how this ground-breaking technology really works”, according to the institution. How a machine can be taught to translate from one language to another and how chatbots work will be among the topics he will discuss. He will also address the question that looms around AI: can it ever be truly like humans? 

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