Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The Truth About Bug Spray

If you're planning on spending time outdoors this summer, you'll find that the insect repellent aisle of your local pharmacy offers a dazzling array of options to protect you from hungry bugs.So do any of them get the job done? And do they cause problems for more than just bugs?Scientists believe that mosquitoes choose their human victims by the scent of the bacteria on our skin and in our sweat. Because our bacterial communities vary, some of us are more prone to bites than others. To anyone who has scratched herself silly after a camping trip, the importance of an effective repellent is obvious. But even if you're lucky enough to be unappetizing to mosquitoes, there's another reason to choose your bug defense carefully: Insect-borne illnesses are on the rise, and some can be serious, even deadly.


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