Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Amazon Is Planning a Massive Biodome HQ So No One Ever Has to Leave

If you work for Amazon, you might soon have the option to feel like you're working outside every day. Proposed earlier this week at Seattle City Hall's Design Review Board, this trio of interconnected glass domes is the company's plan for a space where employees could work and hang out. Here are the details: it's a 65,000 square-foot, five-floor structure, filled with plants chosen for their ability to thrive in a microclimate comfortable for humans, too. There will be a variety of botanical zones modeled after mountain ecologies from around the world arranged amid places to work, eat, lounge, and so forth. Think of it of like the movie Biodome minus Pauly Shore. And all the science experiments gone wrong. And the pot smoking. 
via Gizmodo / more


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