Friday, October 12, 2012

On Fear and Loss

1. The denial of fear when fear is warranted is to live foolishly. To deny fear when fear is warranted is to deny reality.
 2. To live with fear is to deny the possibilities of life.
 3. The denial of reality is a separation from the world. Separation is a cause of anxiety.
 4. Anxiety is one source of fear. Therefore, to control fear is to recognize reality for what it is.
 5. The changes of nature are inevitable. Accept them for what they are.
 6. The leaves change. The leaves fall. The leaves return once more.
 7. Everyone will know loss. Not to accept loss is to deny the inevitable.
 8. Nature has no mind; nature has no heart. Nature isn't sentimental; natural disasters befall individuals through no fault of their own.
 9. To accept death is to accept our humanity.
 10. To accept that you are human is to accept that you are part of nature.
 By Arthur Dobrin


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