Friday, September 28, 2012

Write One-Star Amazon Reviews to Make Yourself Feel Better

If you’re ever feeling bad about yourself, like you don’t “measure up” or you won’t ever achieve greatness, Bob Odenkirk offer you this simple solution. Go online and write negative reviews.

  “Huckleberry Finn,” by Mark Twain One Star,
DIDN’T WORK FOR ME First of all, let it be known that I am a fan of EVERYTHING Samuel Clemens, a.k.a. Mark Twain, has written. I’ve read it all, from “Life on the Mississippi” to “Tom Sawyer” to “Tom Sawyer Abroad” (little tip—the sequel is BETTER than the original!!). But somehow I missed this one. Everyone in my so-called book club at work told me I “had to” read this “awesome” “classic.” So I splurged on a library card and gave it a go. I couldn’t wait to read it, but, I am sorry to report—SPOILER ALERT—it sucks! A complete WASTE OF TIME! AAARGHH! “HUCKLEBERRY FINN”? More like “SUCKleberry SHIT!” What was Mr. Twain thinking? He wasn’t! Huckleberry Finn, a nasty character, takes a freed slave down a river in a raft. They see some things, almost tip over, blah-de-blah… the end. And it’s all written in pitiful child-speak. Was Mr. Twain’s keyboard broken? Sad. What was I thinking when I checked this out? I returned it late and had to PAY A FINE! I ripped up my library card and the receipt for payment. Yeesh—that was an adventure I never want to relive! Mr. Twain, I want my five hours and my twenty-five cents back! more here


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