Sunday, May 27, 2012

Will the Houla killings change anything ?

The U.N. has verified that 92 people were killed within hours in the Syrian district of Houla, including at least 32 children, their mangled corpses laid out on a plastic mat, set apart from dozens of adult victims. Some of the children were in blood-soaked pajamas; others had their skulls ripped open.
 They were killed by artillery and tank shells, the UN said; Syrian activists claim that others were butchered with knives. The Syrian opposition blamed President Bashar Assad's regime. The government blamed "Al-Qaeda-linked terrorist groups."
  The U.N. stopped counting Syria's dead months ago. NATO has repeatedly said it has no plans to intervene in the conflict. The U.N. secretary general has admitted that "at this time, we don't have any Plan B" for Syria. It's hardly reassuring given that Plan A, the six-point Annan initiative, is barely viable. Both regime and opposition have now made it clear that they are in an all-or-nothing battle. Pro- and anti-Assad views have increasingly hardened, the gulf between them widening as the tallies of dead, missing and detained have grown. There is little room left for a compromise solution. more


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