Friday, March 16, 2012

Edgar Degas in Zagreb

"Dance steps in bronze", the travelling exhibition of 74 sculptures by French artist Edgar Degas, including his best known sculptural work, the famous "Little fourteen-year-old dancer" "Dance steps in bronze", the travelling exhibition of 74 sculptures by French artist Edgar Degas, including his best known sculptural work, the famous "Little fourteen-year-old dancer" opened yesterday in Klovicevi dvori gallery in Zagreb.


Gary Arseneau said...

April 15, 2012

Dear Croatians:

The "Dance steps in bronze" exhibition, at the Klovicevi dvori Gallery, is a fraud containing 74 non-disclosed posthumous [after 2000] forgeries with counterfeit Degas signatures inscribed.

Edgar Degas died in 1917. The dead don't sculpt, much less sign.

Here is an excerpt from my published "DEGAS BRONZE FORGERIES, The ABCs of one of the largest art frauds of the 20th/21st century" monograph that is specific to this fraud in Zagreb:

"On page 247 of the “Catalogue Notes,” in the 2000 Degas and America, The Early Collectors catalogue, the Hirshhorn Museum curator of sculpture Valerie J. Fletcher wrote: “It is possible that in recent years an additional cast may have been made (in photograph documenting a new cast of Rodin’s Thinker at the Valsuani foundry in Paris in late 1999 or early 2000, an unclothed Little Dancer appears in the background.)”[FN 36]

"These suspicions are, in part, confirmed on the 2004’s website[FN 37] where the following is listed for sale by the Hirschl & Adler Galleries.[FN 38]"

Here is the link to that monograph:

Caveat Emptor!

Gary Arseneau
artist, creator of original lithographs & scholar
Fernandina Beach, Florida USA

Slavenka said...

Ab amicis honesta petamus.