Tuesday, October 4, 2011

“Long Live the Great Wall Street Revolution!”

"News of the Occupy Wall Street protests have reached China with gusto this week, drawing a range of impassioned—if puzzled—responses across the political spectrum. The narrow band of Chinese nationalists who yearn for the days of Mao have discovered an appealing “revolutionary spirit” in American political life. In a piece proclaiming, “Long Live the Great Wall Street Revolution!” the reliably patriotic site called M4 suggests that, in a twist, the Chinese could learn something about protesting from Americans:
 We should demand our government return to President Mao’s philosophy, stop privatization, and return to the true beliefs of the Communist Party. Stop practicing Marxism on the stage—with capitalism backstage. Capitalism is a dead end; there is no future for it. Fixing wrongdoings and returning to socialism is the only correct way!"
  via The New Yorker /continue reading

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