Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Forget the new iPhone, let's talk Siri

"The consumer electronics firm did grace the world with the new iPhone 4S, an overhaul from the iPhone 4 that also came with some breakthrough software in the form of the personal assistant program, Siri. Onstage at the event senior vice president of iPhone software Scott Forstall asked his phone: "What's the weather like today?" And Siri responded with the forecast. That was just the beginning. Over the next few minutes, Forstall asked Siri to find him some Greek restaurants and arrange them by their ratings. He showed that Siri could set up business meetings, or search Wikipedia or search engine Wolfram Alpha - all by speaking to a phone in plain English, just as you would ask any human the same questions. Such an apparent breakthrough in natural language processing promises to change the way we interact with our phones - say "find me a table at an Italian restaurant near my office for 7pm" and Siri will get it done, even make you a reservation. Gizmodo likened this spooky level of personal service to the USS Enterprise's computer in "Star Trek". A rehearsed demo is all well and good, of course. But will it work as well as advertised in the real world?"
  By Jacob Aron/read more


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