Monday, October 3, 2011

Alma telescope opens its eyes

 "A composite of Alma and Hubble observations of the Antennae galaxies. The blue colours represent the best-quality optical image taken of this region of space so far – by Hubble. The red, pink and yellow show previously unseen wavelengths of light emanating from the vast carbon monoxide clouds that float in and between the galaxies, imaged by Alma for the first time. The clouds contain gases with a total mass several billion times that of our sun."
Alma telescope opens its eyes – in pictures | Science |


Note said...

nema veze sa ovim postom,nego s dizajnom,nisam bila tjedan dana,pa vidim da nude neke novosti...vezano za bolji pregled bloga....nekako mi se to i ne stavlja,bojim se da se neće vidjeti moja pozadina,nego slike i sažeci na bjeloj pozadini. Da li si ti nešto isprobavala po tom pitanju?

Slavenka said...

Moram priznati da nisam.