Monday, September 26, 2011

If capitalism has failed, how the hell do we pay for our Shreddies?

 "Don't know about you, but I've been doing my level best to ignore the increasingly disturbing financial news coming in from – well, from everywhere – for several months now. Fortunately, ignoring the financial news is second nature to me anyway. I'm a helpless business dunce. My brain won't let me even understand that stuff, let alone find it interesting. Whenever someone tries to explain even the most rudimentary economic principle to me, I can feel my entire mind glazing over. Entering shutdown mode. Protecting itself from boredom by willfully slipping into a coma. My eyes remain open, I occasionally even grunt, but my inner being has wandered several thousand miles away. Sometimes I'm rudely awoken by a cold strand of drool dripping on to my collarbone. If, as I regain consciousness, their explanation is still going, I wipe my chin clean and go back to sleep.

But recently – well, it's become harder to ignore, hasn't it? "
By Charlie Brooker /The Guardian/continue reading


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