Thursday, June 30, 2011

Zoo keepers stunned as moose rescues drowning marmot from watery death

Keepers at Pocatello Zoo, Idaho, were worried when they noticed Shooter, a four-year-old elk, acting strangely at his water trough.
Baffled, they watched as the animal - who is so massive some keepers are afraid to even enter his enclosure - tried to dip his hooves into his drinking trough, before attempting to dunk his whole head in the water.
But they were amazed as 10ft tall Shooter lifted his head from the trough clutching a tiny marmot - a kind of large squirrel - between his jaws.
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parlance said...

Thanks for posting this, Slavenka. I notice some commenters thought it was just getting the little creature out of its way so it could drink in peace, but in that case I think it might not have been so gentle.

Slavenka said...

That elk is definitely a savior.