Saturday, June 4, 2011

Pope Benedict begins first Croatia visit

Pope Benedict XVI has begun his first visit to the Balkans with a two-day trip to largely-Catholic Croatia.

The Pope is a supporter of Croatia's bid to join the European Union, which would add another devoutly Catholic nation to the bloc.

There have been criticisms of the $6m (£3.6m; 4m euros) cost of the visit.

BBC News /read more



Note said...

odmah sam uočila razliku...kad je Ivan Pavao došao ,on je poljubio tlo

Slavenka said...

Ja to nisam htijela gledati iz čistog protesta,pa kaj je normalno u ovoj krizi potrošiti 40m na njegov dolazak.
Ljudi nemaju za jesti ,a vlada se bahati.