Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Divorce cakes latest craze in Zagreb

"A bakery in Zagreb is helping people sweeten up their bitter moments by making tasty cakes for festive celebration of divorces.

Divorce cakes seem to be the latest craze and the owner of the pastry shop La Dolce Vita in Zagreb is capitalizing on the demand. Tatjana Rebec says that more and more young couples prefer to go their separate ways with a party rather than in bad spirits.

"Statistics say that every third marriage falls apart. That is the reality and one should not link divorces to fights. It is much more pleasant to link them with a cake," says Rebec.

Rebec first started making cakes as a joke, but the business took off after her presentation at the local weddings fair. One cake even ended up in Vienna.

The cakes cost about 175 Euros for 100 people, but most are made for parties with between 20 and 80 guests. And just making the dessert can be a lot of fun for the divorcing couple.

"Some want a cake with a house split in half, others want a bed. Wife says: "Don’t give him the dog, he would not feed him, give the dog to me," says Rebec of some of the cake-decorating dilemmas.

Couples that divorce with a cake, divorce in a friendly, humorous way, adds Rebec."
Croatian Times 


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