Sunday, December 12, 2010

Job Interview for a Salesman

 "In spite of his being qualified the boss tells the candidate: “Sorry, but I cannot hire you – you’ve got a problem in one of your eyes, you seem to be constantly…winking.”

The candidate answers: “Oh, about that - no problem…”

“I take a couple of aspirins and it immediately stops.”

The boss: “Please show me how it works.”

The candidate takes his bags and inside, among dozens of condom packages, he finally finds aspirins.

He takes a couple and indeed, the winking stops.

“Are you satisfied?” Asks the candidate...

“Definitely not” answers the boss, “How can I hire a womanizer like you?”

“Me? A womanizer? I am a happily married man!” says the candidate.

“So”, asks the boss,” what’s up with the condoms?”

“Well”, says the candidate, “did you ever ask a pharmacist for aspirins while winking?”"


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