Sunday, November 21, 2010

Meet Jude's four-legged saviour

"It is a spectacular and distressing tantrum. In the living room of a three-storey house in south-west London, five-year-old Jude is screaming and rolling around on the rug, arms flailing, inconsolable and seemingly unstoppable.
Jude is autistic and his mother, Kristina Hughes, has seen these explosions many times before – at home, in the street, in the supermarket. Jude’s anxiety is brought on by the presence of strangers and minor changes to his routine. Soothing words from his parents only make it worse.
Kristina, 40, admits that she has found it hard to cope. But now she has acquired a new ally in the struggle: Claude, the family dog. She presses a yellow “clicker” box and Claude, a black labrador, responds by going up to Jude and nuzzling into his hand. Magically, the boy’s anxiety subsides. The tantrum is broken and Claude is rewarded with a biscuit."
via Telegraph/read more

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