Monday, May 3, 2010

Sugar Glider Story..

I had two of these things...
male and female...
These things are not as cute as you think. Very disgusting. They mark their territory by pissing over everything as soon as you clean it they piss all over it again in spite. They literally grab their shit from their ass with their teeth and sling it across the room. They also spit their food out of the cages at the walls around it. Messy as fuck.
Also if they sense another glider is weaker they will fight it to the death and eat its face off.
Fuck them. Worst pets iv ever had.
Oh yeah and if you don't clean their cage every day it smells terrible. Also every time they piss it stinks up your whole house very very smelly piss.
Who would have thought it!


Anonymous said...

Yuck! I'm actually glad they don't allow them as pets in my state.

Slavenka said...

The problem is not pet than a "well" informed pet owner.