Saturday, November 28, 2009

Sculptures made out of scrap car parts by Australian artist James Corbett

"Meet the man who turns scrapped car parts into sculptures worth thousands of pounds. Australian artist James Corbett, 46, creates these sculptures using old car parts salvaged from scrap yards."
see here



skrota bil said...

If you are in possession of an older vehicle that will not be accepted by a dealership for a trade-in, has not gotten any interest sitting on the street with a 'For Sale' sign on it, or has been listed in a car magazine without getting any bites you might want to consider selling your car for scrap.

damaged cars USA said...

Just looking at the pictures here on the post inspires me because people who are creative enough to design these unique works of art. I appreciate art but I am not that blessed with a creative mind that could work with this sort of stuff...