Sunday, June 1, 2008

Short Old Age Jokes 

"Two old women were sitting on the bench talking, when one asked the other,

'How's your Paddy holding up in bed these days?'
The second old lady replied, 'He makes me feel like an exercise bike.'
'How's that?'
'He climbs on and starts pumping away but we never get anywhere!'"

The doctor tells his patient: "Well I have good news and bad news..."

The patient says, "Lay it on me Doc. What's the bad news?"

"You have Alzheimer's disease."

"Good heavens! What's the good news?"

"You can go home and forget about it!"

A family was supposed to stay the night at a hotel, but there was a screw-up with the rooms, so Grandpa had to sleep in the same bed as the 15-year old Grandson. In the middle of the night Grandpa woke up and shouted: "Quick! Get me a woman! Fast!!"

The grandson moaned: "Please, Grandpa, calm down. First, its three o'clock in the morning, and you'll never find a woman at this hour. Second, you're 82 years old, and third, that's MY dick you're holding... not yours

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