Monday, May 10, 2021

Why grumpy dogs are more intelligent than happy-go-lucky hounds

: Grumpy dogs.
  Appearance: Just adorable.
  Intelligence: Smarter than happy dogs.
  Can we quickly define ‘grumpy’? Of course we can. A grumpy dog is a canine that’s quick to bark, likes to ignore its owners, snaps when disturbed and angrily guards its food. 
  Oh, you mean bad dogs. No, I don’t. I mean shy dogs. Misunderstood dogs. Dogs that don’t necessarily bound into every room wagging their tails and licking everyone like a career politician on the campaign trail. 
  And these dogs are actually intelligent, you say? That’s right. Especially when compared to their more happy-go-lucky counterparts.
  Smart in what way? They’re able to learn better. Dr Péter Pongrácz, a specialist in dog-human interaction at Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest, has reported that all the characteristics that make a dog grumpy are also liable to help them assess a situation before they take action.


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