Thursday, May 20, 2021

Climate disasters ‘caused more internal displacement than war’ in 2020

Intense storms and flooding triggered three times more displacements than violent conflicts did last year, as the number of people internally displaced worldwide hit the highest level on record.
 There were at least 55 million internally displaced people (IDPs) by the end of last year, according to figures published by the Norwegian Refugee Council’s Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC). There were more than twice as many people displaced within their own country as forced out of their country as refugees, the IDMC said. The number is the highest on record, but in line with its steady rise over the past decade.
 During a year that was the warmest on record, 5 million more people were displaced than in 2019.
 In total, about 48 million people have been uprooted from their homes as a result of conflict and violence, while 7 million have been displaced by disasters. 
The IDMC said the latter was likely to be a significant underestimate due to incomplete data.
 About 20 million IDPs were children aged under 15 and 2.6 million were over 65.
 Most live in low- and middle-income countries. 


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