Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Are we living in an age where lies are acceptable?

We have to navigate fake news constantly, while dodging conspiracy theorists, antivaxxers and misleading anti-abortion activists on social media. Last week, the Washington Post calculated that Donald Trump had told his 10,000th lie while in office. Theresa May, meanwhile, clearly didn’t believe former defence secretary Gavin Williamson’s protestations that he wasn’t responsible for the National Security Council leak, hence Williamson’s extreme step of swearing on his children’s lives that he wasn’t guilty. And what about the rest of us?
 How many of our #livingmybestlife Instagram posts are, to put it charitably, putting a positive spin on things? Are we living in an age where lies are acceptable?
 Robert Feldman, professor in the department of psychological and brain sciences at the University of Massachusetts and author of The Liar in Your Life, says he thinks we are.
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