Wednesday, January 17, 2024

A motorcycle accident with a cow changed Steven Hadley’s life forever.

The animal came out of nowhere, Hadley says, on a rural road near Kingaroy in Queensland. 
He hit it at about 100 km/h, the impact throwing him 12 or 13 metres headfirst into the ground.
More than a decade on from the 2012 crash, Hadley still lives with persistent shoulder injuries. 
 Without the money to pay for private health insurance, the carpenter has spent the years since “working through the pain”.
 Hadley approached law firm Shine Lawyers to see if he could sue to pay for treatment, on the basis that the animal’s owner was negligent by not keeping it behind a fence.
 But thanks to a 400-year-old legal precedent dating to the era of horse and cart – a rule repealed everywhere it ever applied except Queensland and the Northern Territory – he had no case. 

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