Friday, May 13, 2022

Protest In Zagreb

Kristina Uremović/24sata 
 Hundreds of citizens, mostly women, rallied in Zagreb's main square on Thursday to protest against the "destruction of public health and neglecting women's health," and to demand that legal, available and safe pregnancy termination be guaranteed.
 The protest was held in solidarity with Mirela Čavajda, whom a Zagreb hospital's second-instance commission allowed to terminate her pregnancy for medical reasons only after she went public with her case. It was organised by several NGOs which demand that the government and the Health Ministry make sure that pregnancy termination is available in public health. 
 According to a survey by the gender equality ombudsman, 59% of Croatian doctors are conscientious objectors. The NGOs demand the urgent adoption of protocols that will guarantee the availability of pregnancy termination and the publication of the names of doctors who are conscientious objectors as well as information on which hospitals in Croatia perform the procedure. 
The demands have been signed by more than 100 civil society organisations.


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