Monday, March 23, 2020

The Morning After the Night Before

At 9 am, the National Civil Protection Headquarters held a press conference, briefing the public on the latest about the coronavirus crisis in Croatia, as well as the terrible earthquake that hit Zagreb on Sunday. reports that the Headquarters is dealing with two crises, Minister Bozinovic said.
 "Our records show that 27 were injured in the quake, 18 of which were more serious. Twelve were hospitalized. The 15-year-old girl is in critical condition," he added. "According to the earthquake report, there were 37 earthquakes between 6 am Sunday and 6 am this morning, which is expected," Bozinovic added.
 He warned that citizens should be careful because Zagreb is now a seismologically active area.
 "The services have shown a high degree of organization and activity and I thank them all," Bozinovic concluded.

Coronavirus update 

Minister Beros said that as of Sunday at 4 pm, Croatia had 52 new cases, which is a total of 306 on Monday morning. "The Headquarters have decided to raise the work of epidemiological services to the highest level. All epidemiologists are on standby," Capak added. Minister Beros said that the health status of the patients had not deteriorated. Five people are on a respirator.


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