Friday, August 21, 2015

Burning Man is Currently Infested With Biting, Stinky Desert Bugs

Regular attendees, known as "burners," are used to all sorts of crazy things happening at the annual rave festival/New Age enlightenment hub/Silicon Valley startup retreat. Extreme temperatures, high winds and sudden dust storms are common and expected out on the playa in Nevada’s Black Rock Desert. But the first wave of organizers and builders putting the together the bones of the temporary settlement got a nasty surprise this year: bugs that are swarming the tents, nestling under bras and goggles and more or less blanketing the entire site.
 “What’s going on? We don’t know,” John Curley writes for Voices of Burning Man, the festival’s official blog. “We don’t know how the little critters survive in the heat and the sun. All we know is that if you pick up some wood, you’re likely to uncover hundreds or thousands of the things. ”
 Not only are the pests everywhere, but they bite, too.


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