Appearance: The internet.
What's browsing? That's the technical term for visiting websites. OK.
So what's your "browsing history"? That's a list of every website you have ever visited. Including the naughty ones.
You mean the gossip sites? Yep. Red-hot gossip sites. Teenage gossip sites. Japanese animated gossip sites. That sort of thing. You know me so well. Those were just hypotheticals. Right. Duh. Good thing I delete my history. Clearly. Unfortunately, deleting your history only hides it from the people on your end. There are people on the other end?
Yep. Millions of them, actually. But right now the ones you should be worrying about are Google. As of 1 March, the company will be gathering data on you from every one of its services – including e-mail and YouTube – and collecting them in a big digital box with your name on it.
Is that bad? Well, let's say you search the term "elf gossip" a few times and that goes into the Google database. You delete your history, so no one at home will find out, but Google still knows. A few days later, a friend visits YouTube on your computer and an ad pops up for "loose-lipped elves".
Get the picture?"
via The Guardian / continue reading
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