Tuesday, October 11, 2011

"Eating puppy meat is no worse than pork." Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall

"The River Cottage star has spent more than five months being a vegetarian for his latest series of the TV show and has penned non-meat recipes for a new cookbook.
Fearnley-Whittingstall, 46, has eaten placenta pate, curried fruit bat, giraffe and calf testicles in the past.
Asked whether he would try loin of Labrador or cat liver, he told the Radio Times: ''Not unless I was on the point of starvation.
''In principle, but not in practice, I have no objection to a high-welfare organic puppy farm.
''You can't object, unless you also object to the farming of pigs. It's an artificial construct of our society, a cultural decision, to make pets out of dogs and meat out of pigs."
via Telegraph /read more


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