Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The citizens of Zagreb are the unhappiest people in Croatia

"Despite the highest GDP per resident, the citizens of the Croatian capital are not satisfied with their quality of life. This is the result of the newest research of National index of happiness organized by Hendal and Banka magazine, where every component ranked lower than 50 points shows unhappiness.
Although the residents of Zagreb were the first on the list of satisfied citizens in 2008, Zagreb citizens mark the general index level of 63.1, and that is the lowest one in Croatia. They also reached the bottom level according to their emotional stage (58.7 points), life standard evaluation (57.2 points), personal growth and social environment (67.3 points). Dalmatians are only unsatisfied with their work environment with the index level of 70.7. The citizens of Zagreb lost their optimism so they are almost last on the list compared to the research results two years ago (59.9 points). Only the residents of Northern Croatia are behind Zagreb residents with 54.6 points. Even the citizens of undeveloped parts of the country (Lika, Korduna, Banija) show the bigger optimism with 69.8 points.
The reasons of this desperation among the citizens of Zagreb are life costs – the highest surtax rate, the highest parking costs and the highest accommodation rent, high prices of communal services and water, and until recently - the kindergarten price. Unemployment, impossibility of the estate purchase and the health service are among the huge problems in Zagreb. Only environmental consciousness reaches the level above the average (56 points)."

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