Thursday, June 2, 2011

Woman denies military's claims about 'virginity test'

Amnesty International officials reported that some in a group of 18 women detained March 9 in and around Cairo's Tahrir Square were subjected to "virginity tests" as well as beatings, electric shocks and strip searches as male soldiers looked on. This week, they called for an investigation by the Egyptian government into the alleged abuses. Late Wednesday, about 100 people gathered outside a meeting of the country's ruling military council, many hoisting signs calling for the military to address the issue.

One of the women who appeared on CNN, 20-year-old Salwa Hosseini, spoke with Babylon & Beyond on Wednesday about the controversy and what she wants now from the government:

How were you treated by the soldiers?

Soldiers beat me when I told the other women not to be afraid. When we were in the room [holding cell], soldiers were taking photographs. Girls were covering their faces, but I did not cover mine. I said, "Hold up your head, you are Egyptian" [a common protest chant among revolutionaries]. ... The guards called us bastards, prostitutes, they cursed our families.

What about female soldiers?

I was strip-searched by a woman in a room. I asked her to close the window and doors, and she refused. After I was naked, I saw a guard in the window, taking photos. I screamed, and he ran away. Then the woman searching me said she would call the guard to shock me if I kept insisting she close the window and doors.

How was the test conducted?

A man made me take off my underwear and examined me.

Did he touch you?

Yes. He used two fingers.

Was anyone else there?

The virginity test took place in front of guards and military officers.

Did you request a female doctor?

Yes. I wanted a woman, not a man, and not all these men around.

What did the military officers say?

They electroshocked me.

Did all 18 women take the test?

No. They made us sign a document saying we were virgins. About 10 of them did not sign it. One of them lied.

What happened to her?

They tortured her.
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