Sunday, June 19, 2011

Tenth Zagreb Pride parade held

"The tenth parade of LGTBIQ people, Zagreb Pride 2011, started with its participants gathering in the city's Trg Zrtava Fasizma square at 2 pm, from where they went on a walk through the city centre, carrying rainbow flags, banners and balloons, their final destination being the Zrinjevac park, where speeches were held and two bands staged a concert. The programme at Zrinjevac ended around 6 pm.

Apart from members of the LGTBIQ community, also participating in the parade were members of the public, politicians and civil society activists, including Vesna Pusic of the Croatian People's Party (HNS), who was named Friend of Homosexuals of the Decade, HNS president Radimir Cacic, Mirela Holy of the Social Democratic Party, Ministry of the Interior spokesman Krunoslav Borovec, Zagreb lawyer Cedo Prodanovic, former interior minister Sime Lucin, and writers Predrag Matvejevic and Edo Popovic.

Participants in the parade were greeted in the central Trg Bana Josipa Jelacica square with a round of applause from members of the public who gathered there.

The Zagreb Pride is a picture of us, just as the Split Pride was a picture of us. The situation in Zagreb was not any better ten years ago, but things are moving forward and I would not be here if I didn't believe it, said Pusic."
 Daily -

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