Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Spider-Man to be killed off by Marvel Comics

"The publisher said that Parker's alter ego, Spider-Man, will die, finally succumbing to one of his most pernicious foes in the final issue of "Ultimate Comics Spider-Man", which is due out in America today.
Fans of Spider-Man need not worry though, because the Ultimates imprint is separate from Marvel's bigger universe. Whatever fate may befall Ultimate Spider-Man won't count in the pages of the other series, including Amazing Spider-Man.
The death, while dramatic, is not entirely unexpected. In November, Marvel said that the Ultimate Spider-Man was going to face an uncertain fate in the latest storyline by writer Brian Michael Bendis fittingly titled "The Death of Spider-Man".
Mr Bendis told The Associated Press that in issue No. 160 Parker fights valiantly but will die.
"He will pass heroically, but he will die at the hands of the Green Goblin," Mr Bendis said."
via Telegraph/read more

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