Friday, March 18, 2011

Gaddafi declares ceasefire in wake of UN resolution

Moussa Koussa, the Libya foreign minister, announced that the ceasefire would be "immediate" and would result in "an immediate stop to all military operations".
"(Libya) takes great interest in protecting civilians," he said, adding that the country would also protect all foreigners and foreign assets in Libya.
The announcement came as David Cameron said RAF warplanes would be in places in the "coming hours".
Military action follows a United Nations Security Resolution, backed by Britain, France and the US. The Arab League has also called for a no-fly zone, and Qatar and the United Arab Emirates are expected to contribute forces to any military operation.
Mr Cameron's statement came amid reports that Western forces could launch bombing raids against the Libyan regime within hours after the UN backed international military action.
via Telegraph /continue reading


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