Sunday, October 3, 2010

Pete Seeger - ‘Letters to Answer, and Logs to Split’

"At Pete Seeger’s 90th birthday celebration last year at Madison Square Garden, Bruce Springsteen called him America’s granddad, but with “a steely toughness that belies that grandfatherly facade.” Now 91, he has just written a new song addressing the Gulf oil spill and, in July, released a new album, “Tomorrow’s Children,” on Appleseed Recordings.
Mr. Seeger and his wife of 67 years, Toshi-Aline Ôhta, spend Sundays around the Dutchess County house he built by hand, unless he grabs his banjo and ventures out to the Beacon Sloop Club. He helped build that, too, by tricking people into volunteering. “I called it a pot-luck supper, and 30 people showed up,” he said. “Food is one of the great organizing tools.”

" Almost any day, I tend to wake up around 7:30, 8 at the latest, and reluctantly think of all the things I’m supposed to do instead of lounging in bed, which theoretically I should be allowed to do. It’s almost a bad joke in my family that Sundays tend to be the busiest day of the week.
There’s letters to answer and logs to split."
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