Tuesday, October 12, 2010

IPhone App to Help Pudgy Pets

 "Does your pooch have love handles? Does your cat have a double chin?

It may seem silly to ask, but knowing the appropriate weight for a pet can be a tough challenge.

Accurately gauging the calories in pet food is very difficult . Even then, extra heft on pets is often deemed as cute, rather than as a health problem.

A new app developed at Cornell University offers a solution. The app, CU-PetHealth, addresses pet nutrition in much the same way as popular human nutrition mobile applications like Lose It! and Calorie Tracker.

The user plugs in their pet's daily caloric intake. The app takes into account lifestyle variables, and then judges the user's nutrition allowances as 'overfeeding,' 'underfeeding' or 'appropriate.' It can also suggest diets to keep your pet at its current weight."
via Discovery News /read more

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