Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Facebook Announces Three Upcoming Changes Dealing With User Privacy

"Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced three major changes to Facebook,emphasing the fact that the website is a social platform that you can bring connections you make on other websites and systems to."
The first change deals with your personal information from Facebook. he "Download Your Information" function allows you to download the info you have on Facebook (photos, videos, posts and all) to your hard drive. Facebook will send you a handy email when it is ready, and you can use it as you like. Right now, Facebook Connect allows about 1,000,000 websites to access your personal information if you approve (a handy pop up window notifies you that Facebook Connect is trying to access your data for the website). This may allow you to send you Facebook profile to certain companies or save all your pictures and videos in a place offline.

The second change is a new dashboard called "Apps That You Use." It shows you all the applications you approved and when they last used your information. It will show you what they are actually accessing as well so you can personally judge if that app is worthy of knowing your hometown and seeing your pictures. For example, in the demo Trip Advisor accessed someone's hometown as well as his pictures. You still won't know what they are using the data for, but at least you can see what they look at and how often.

The third update, and possibly the most important, has to do with trying to target specific people with the information you share on Facebook.

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