Friday, April 11, 2008

My First Year of Blogging

After one year and 1756 posts I still enjoy blogging.

Thanks to Doortje and Brian from

Jokes & Stuff who have shown me their blog,

which encouraged me to start my own.

I'm very grateful to Brian for all the tips and patience.

When I remember how many times I clicked their blog

I feel ashamed. I hope that beloved D & B understand my need to learn .

Every day I have the same routine,

I check my email and read my favorite blogs.

In 90% of cases I don't have a clue about how these people look and who they are but I find their blogs very interesting and fun to me.

Thanks to all of you that read my blog,

I hope that I can put a smile on your face from time to time.


Anonymous said...

Hi Slavenka! I feel honored to be on your list! I love coming over here and reading all the funnies. sometimes I really need a laugh and can always fond it here!

Anonymous said...

Hi Slavenka! I feel honored to be on your list! I love coming over here and reading all the funnies. sometimes I really need a laugh and can always fond it here!

Unknown said...

Congratualtions on your first year aniversary of blogging!

I also do the same thing and search other blogs for ideas.

Congrats again!! and keep on blogging!!
