Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Tornjak -Croatian Shepherd Dog

"Tornjaks belong to the rare livestock protection breeds. The Tornjak is one of the very old breeds from ancient times, and it was mentioned in handwritten papers for the first time in the 9th century, in a Catholic Church's document. The breed was later mentioned in the 11th and 14th century. Tornjaks from these documents is the very same as they are today, except for the name of the breed, which was Hrvatski pas planinac, meaning Croatian dog from the mountain. The dogs in these documents was described entirely equal (function and exterior) as they are today: a protective guarding dog which keep and watch all what their humans ask from them, but highly intelligent and selected without sufficient aggression, and they are pleasant against strangers that they meet outside of their own property. It is considered that dogs of the Tornjak's type have existed in Dinaridi (region around Mountain Dinara, Croatia),as well as in the region around Vlasic (region close to the city of Bugojno, Bosnia), from the Roman times ."


parlance said...

That's very interesting, Slavenka.

Anonymous said...

baš dobro,neka se vidi da i mi imamo svoje slatkice
može nešto i o Dalmatinerima