Monday, November 19, 2007

Little Known Facts about Ferrets

"The ferret is the only known vertebrate without a spine.
Ferrets cannot be found unless they wish to be.
Ferrets are as mad as a bag of badgers.
Ferrets are in fact sometimes made of equal parts Silly Putty and chaos.
A ferret once removed the testicles of Rudy Giuliani, causing Giuliani
to become a flamboyant transsexual
Ferrets are in the same family as a stoat, read also Stoat Box
Ferrets are the cause of global warming,
but this has been covered up by the Bush Administration
Ferrets are Professors of Maths.
First there was one, then just another one won't make a difference,
then a few more for company, next world domination!
A group of ferrets is called a Business - generally a thieving business"

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