Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Apocalypse Trilogy

Street artists Biancoshock and Francesco Garbelli have recently collaborated on a new project.

“Landless stranded” by Pejac


Winter in the Rainforest


 In Anu-Laura Tuttelberg’s stop-motion short “Winter In The Rainforest,” time passes at an unusual pace. more

A freight train negotiates Morant’s Curve near Lake Louise , Patrick T Fallon


It's That Time of the Year Again

The theme for the 2021 White House holiday season is Gifts from the Heart.


Sunday, November 28, 2021

The Hitchhiker, Christian Mercier


Planktonium , Jan van IJken

This is a photo series about the unseen world of living microscopic plankton; a secret universe, inhabited by alien-like creatures.

Lost, Michaël Massart



Friday, November 26, 2021

Gone shopping, Dillon Tweedie


Thursday, November 25, 2021

What does a full day of sun look like at the earth’s southernmost point?


 Robert Schwarz, who was stationed in the antarctic for 15 years as part of the experimental Keck project, filmed an illuminating timelapse while at the snowy location that shows the bright star floating above the horizon for an entire five-day period. 
Shot in March 2017, the footage captures the bright sky just before the first sunset in months, when the pole experiences a dark period from April to August. 


Sign of The Day

Al Barna and Randall Ann Homan


Would you eat these illegal potato chips?

Prank marketing group MSCHF offers us Illegal Chips.
 These is a limited-edition selection of chips that come in the flavors of forbidden food. 
You can try horse meat chips, fugu fish chips, and casu marzu chips.

The Illusion of Self

Incidental Comics


What We're Reading

Personal Message


Monday, November 22, 2021

The main character, Michael Pederson


Staircase to Heaven

Land artist Strijdom van der Merwe designed Staircase to Heaven, an optical illusion sculpture that looks like a set of steps to the sky. 
However, the piece is actually a vertical ladder that’s just 4.5 meters high. 

New research reveals how reliefs on the walls of the Temple of Hatshepsut in Thebes were crafted—and corrected.

As Andrew Curry reports for Science magazine, the new study sheds light on oft-overlooked members of ancient Egyptian society, suggesting that artisans of different ability levels collaborated to produce the temple’s art. 

When Benjamin Franklin Shocked Himself While Attempting to Electrocute a Turkey

Among his many electrical experiments, the one for which Franklin is most celebrated is his successful attempt to capture the electricity of thunderclouds in a jar. But this victory might never have happened if not for a painful lesson he’d learned from one of his lesser-known tests, an experiment performed two years earlier, in December 1750.
 During that failed endeavor, Franklin was traumatized and humbled by an unexpected foe: a turkey.


We'll be jabbed, recovered or dead

Germany's health minister has issued his starkest warning yet on the importance of getting vaccinated.
 "By the end of this winter everyone in Germany will either be vaccinated, recovered or dead," Jens Spahn told a news conference in Berlin on Monday.
 Germany is in the grip of a fourth wave of coronavirus. Cases are rising rapidly and many hospitals are full. It has one of the lowest vaccination rates in Western Europe, with 68% of people fully vaccinated. Germany's infection rate is at its highest since the pandemic began, and health experts have warned this wave could be the worst yet. In the past 24 hours, there have been 30,643 new infections - 7,000 more than a week ago. 
This is among the highest rates in the world. Tighter restrictions are to be brought in which will see the unvaccinated excluded from certain venues, and some Germany's famed Christmas markets have been cancelled. Mr Spahn said he was against making Covid vaccines compulsory, but that it was a "moral obligation" to get the jab because it impacts on other people.
 "Freedom means taking responsibility, and there is a duty to society to get vaccinated," he said.


»The Problem … The Solution« by Thomas Laubenberger-Pletzer



Sunday, November 21, 2021


Grace Miceli (artbabygirl) 


Saturday, November 20, 2021

Eclectic, Alexandro Pelaez

Eclectic, is a five-year series of double exposure photographs of Street Environments of different cities, countryside and beaches from around the world. Where each city has its own distinctive pace of elements, circumstances, colours; an array of miscellanea that shape what we call memory; a human quality as ephemeral as ever-changing.
