"Policeman: I am sorry to have to tell you this Mr Brown,
but you wife has just fallen into the wishing well and drowned.
Mr Browm: It works!
Wife: What do you mean coming home half drunk at this time of night?
Husband: It's not my fault - I ran out of money.
Husband: Let's go out on the town tonight and have some fun.
Wife: Yeah, but if you get home before me, remember to leave the front door open.
It first occured to me that our marriage might be in trouble when my wife
won an all expenses paid trip for two to Hawaii - and she went twice.
An insurance salesman was trying to persuade a housewife
to buy a life insurance policy.
'Just imagine if your husband was to die tomorrow,' he said.
'What would you get?'
'Oh, a Labrador dog, I think,' replied the housewife.
'They're so well-behaved.
My wife made me join a bridge club.
I jump off next Tuesday.
Missing: wife and dog.
Reward for dog."